Here are the most frequently asked questions we receive about Saint Lazarus Canada:
What is an Order of Chivalry?
Orders of Chivalry were typically founded during or inspired by the military orders created during the Crusades.
In the modern era, Orders of Chivalry exist to further an ideal or charitable task within a community of members. Some Orders are specific to a country; others have an international presence.
Good manners and courteous behaviour is expected amongst the membership.
Why does Saint Lazarus Canada focus on eradicating leprosy?
Caring for those that had contracted Leprosy was our raison d’être at our founding and despite medical advances remains a disease that afflicts many.
There are active leprosy cases found in all parts of the word including Canada. It is a disease that can change lives of both the victim and their family.
What is Saint Lazarus Canada's admission fee used for?
The admission fee is used to cover the cost of any medal issued to a new member along with the preparation of certificates and any mailing and banking costs related to the admission.
How is the Order of Saint Lazarus different than other Orders?
We are an ecumenical order and are not tied to one particular faith Christian faith tradition.
Our members are committed to the ideals of Christianity and our services are based on the traditions of Christian churches.
We value service to others regardless of religious affiliation.
Why do members pay an annual oblation?
The oblation is primarily used to fund our charitable giving. Payment signifies a continued commitment to the good works we undertake and is eligible for a receipt for in tax purposes.
A portion of the oblation is set aside to manage our ongoing administrative costs which are carefully monitored and managed.
Saint Lazarus Canada has no physical office and no paid staff positions and is grateful for those members that choose to sponsor aspects of the administration with their time, talent or treasure in addition to the annual payment.
Do I have to buy a uniform?
At some point in your membership within the Order you may wish to buy a uniform but it is not mandatory.
Most members acquire a mantle which is worn at various Order functions. The mantle does not take the place of a uniform but does identify a member serving their community.